blistering barnacles

Extras 03:50 0

 I started with gusto, especially after seeing the fabulous versions being posted in the Italian facebook group - Chiacchierino: Filo, Amore e Fantasia. Through the ups and downs, I ended up with a slightly modified version.

La Presentosa designed and shared by the prolific and hugely talented Paola Bevilacqua. And her handwriting is so beautiful!

The above was actually my 2nd start, since I had to unravel the first (I will share a quick tip about that in another post) where the teardrop proved too big. Although I noticed that the Josephine Ring and surrounding beads are a bit large for the blue arch space, I persevered, but ended up with a knotted ring that refused to come undone. Scrapped and restarted.
The central heart is a mock dimpled ring (lock joined at base). The crystal and beaded ring use Floating Beads method. While the crystal is loose, the silver beads were pre-strung. 
Continued with white as core, but added blue thread on chain.
And this time the JR is substituted with picot ring.
I crystal flanked by a silver bead is loaded on blue thread above the picoted ring. 
Round 1 complete. I finished off with 3 silver beads on either side of teardrop crystal which was attached with FB method. 
I'm very happy with this, though not impeccable.
Started round 2 at a different picot from the instructions so that I could hide ends in 'new' elements.
Billions of bilious blue blistering barnacles !!!
I joined the final teal arch incorrectly. AND this was despite the fact that I kept tugging and pulling before joining wondering why it was being so difficult! Instead of the southernmost tip, the penultimate arch should've gone over to the other side where that empty picot lies. I honestly debated long and hard whether to leave it be since I saw this only when I was blocking it. But Mr Meticulous moved in this time, sigh!

Snipped and unraveled and added new thread. But I still had to add an extra teal arch because of which it looks a bit cramped. If I hadn't, the teardrop and beads would get hidden.

When tatting round 2 I had to unwind from shuttle to weave for overlapping arches. Used only 1 shuttle throughout. The blue and teal were scrap lengths. Seed beads were strung. 

Anchor Pearl cotton (size 8) is my best choice for colour & shade range and for stringing tiny beads. However, not so good for tiny rings, Josephines, etc. with the fibres and loose twist causing friction. Which is why I switched to picot flowers instead of the JR.
Working with Lizbeth for the snowflake (in previous post), brought out the comfort, ease and joy when tatting with Lizbeth. But I have to ration myself ;-P

My apologies to Paola. Despite all the time and fiddling demanded by beads, I enjoyed tatting it and am happy with it. Only wish I'd done a better job with this medallion.

Many many thanks, Paola, for creating and sharing this pattern and the inspiration you provide. 

All tutorial links can be found here -