Everyday is doll day for me because my love for them is 24/7, 365 and sometimes 366. I just discovered that tomorrow and every 1st Sunday of August is National Doll Day. Since I have a guest post scheduled for tomorrow, which will run for the entire week, I decided to publish this quick post today for those who also might have been unaware of the special day devoted to dolls.
As noted on the one-page website, National Doll Day was created on May 18, 2011. The creator wrote:
This was after searching the Internet for some type of recognition and found nothing! I believe dolls, and what they have brought to so many lives, in so many cultures throughout the ages, deserve their special day!
I learned the First Sunday in August is "Friendship Day" - an "aha" moment indeed! What a splendid day to honor our "bestest" friend!
Happy National Doll Day -- happy every doll day. Join the celebration!
National Doll Day website
National Doll Day Blog
National Doll Day the Blog on Facebook