nine in the afternoon {a photo shoot}

Extras 07:05

'cause it's nine in the afternoon,
and your eyes are the size of the moon.
you could 'cause you can so you do,
we're feeling so good
just the way that do
when it's nine in the afternoon.


i know the lyrics are pretty irrelevant but i don't like posting a shoot without some lyrics.
i'm weird i know.
but anyways can we talk about archer's outfit bc seriously.
it's so cUTE I'M DYING.


dear ag community,
a lot of us say that you guys are fake. when most people say that, they're talking about the happy lads that use caps and exclamation points. well, you know what? when i say that a lot of ag bloggers (and others) are fake, i don't only mean that, because i know for a fact that there are a decent number of you who are genuinely sweet, happy people that are honestly making the world a better, brighter place. tbh the people with the "fake" smiles and happiness don't bother me that much at all, it's the people that will suddenly start acting differently, seemingly to appeal to a group or individual on here. that annoys the living shit out of me (pardon my french). don't think for a second that i'm gonna like you better if you like the same bands i do. don't think that if you start writing without caps that i'm gonna love you more than life itself. don't think that swearing a few times is gonna make me bow down to you. i love you guys for who you are. now this obviously isn't just happening to me specifically, and it's not just the whole "liking bands" deal. all over the place there are people doing things and changing themselves to appeal to others. just be yourself, p l e a s e. i don't care if you're ten and i'm fourteen, i don't care if you're thirty and i'm fourteen, if you're you and aren't totally prickish, i'm gonna like you. but being someone that i know you're not? i'm just gonna get annoyed and fed up. take this message and do with it what you will, at this point i don't care if you disagree. if you do, actually, let me know! as long as you have reasons behind what you believe, i'm chill. we can discuss it, have a nice conversation, see the different sides. i'm down for that. hell, you can yell at me in the comments if you want. accuse me of things. i'm kind of looking forward to hearing peoples' thoughts. i've already poked the ag community with a stick numerous times, you all know where i stand in things, so tell me--where are you? are you yourself? why? why not? have you ever felt like you wanted to change yourself on here to appeal to others? really, i want to know. i don't just want this message to you to sound like me trying to smother your opinions with mine. we're all equal here, in my eyes. speak up, and you shall be heard.



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